Meet the Owner

Loving to Listen

With each passing year, some things always change: Interior styles become more refined and functional; New materials replace less-effective ones; Colours replace outdated ones. And like all of us, I keep getting older – but hopefully, with age comes greater wisdom.

After 30+ years in the joinery business the one thing that never changes for me is the importance of people. Ultimately that is why we are in business. We love it when people get exactly what they always wanted, whether it be that new gorgeous kitchen or that business shop they always dreamt of having.

Now personally, I don’t like stress. That’s why we’ve worked hard to refine our methods, allowing us to give you a truly custom job without all the headaches usually associated with this type of work. One of the “secrets” to our success is that I personally take great care to listen intently to every customer so that I can discover exactly what it is that they want. Mistakes and delays happen when people misunderstand each other. That’s why we work extra hard to make sure everyone knows exactly what’s happening at each step along the way.

If you have a joinery project of your own in mind, I would love to add you to our long list of happy customers. Give me a ring today and I’ll be happy to listen.

